Weight Loss Hypnotherapy For Women who are Ready to Stop Dieting & Start Living

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Curious about weight loss hypnotherapy?

Read on …

You’ve tried everything – Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, starving yourself, shakes, calorie counting, fasting, keto, Atkins, willpower.. the list goes on and you’re curious about weight loss hypnotherapy. You want to stop dieting but it doesn’t matter what you do, you always go back to old ways and eat too much.

You know what you should be doing but nothing seems to stick. And you feel broken as you watch others around you get results whilst you continue to struggle.

Your motivation has gone out the window, you’re overweight, everything just feels hard, and you’re miserable. And you’ve reached the point where you know that perhaps something deeper with you needs to change.

You’re here because this is your last resort …


You’re not failing, it’s the method you’re using that’s failing you.

The reasons the diets or exercise programs don’t work for you is because you’ve been trying to change the WHAT you do when instead you need to HEAL the WHY you do it.

Because when you heal the why with weight loss hypnotherapy, life becomes a seamless integration between health and you, and that’s what I’m here to help you do.

Together, using specialised weight loss hypnotherapy methods, coaching and including science-based therapy strategies, we’ll resolve the underlying causes that drive your unhealthy relationship with food and retrain your habits so you can lose weight naturally without needing willpower, restrictive diets, or exhausting exercise regimes.


5 Step Methodology to Freedom


A woman in a denim jacket and hat, standing confidently. The image includes a circular flow chart with five sections, each highlighting different aspects of personal growth for weight loss: Purpose, Inter-Connection, Emotional Wellness, Empowerment, and Physical Well-being.

Our Weight Loss Hypnotherapy  Services


A one-on-one transformational weight loss hypnotherapy experience that heals the root cause of your relationship with food.

There is no need for will power or motivation when super healthy is just who you are now.

“Feel free of weight, pain, hiding in your clothes, and the constant thoughts of food.”

About Me

Hi I’m Jodi.

And I understand where you’re at right now because I’ve struggled too.

Stress was just who I was, I always overworking, putting everything and everyone before me, over-committing myself, everything was go go go.

I had a couple of emotional traumatising events one after another and boom, extreme fatigue took over, and I went from a massive full-on life to no life. I could barely work or get off the couch let alone feed myself healthy food.

As a result, I gained 45 kilos, everything ached and hurt and I could barely move my body, I had no motivation or willpower, and zero energy.

It wasn’t until I stopped fighting with the problem and switched my focus to the cause that everything changed.

Through my therapy training and these personal experiences, I’ve learnt everything it takes to be actually happy and I’ve never felt so free.

My mission now is to share everything I learned because I want other women to feel as free as I do, and give them a safe place that’s just for them to learn, grow and explore and get the expert help from someone who really gets it.

1 Focus


100+ Hours






Let’s create an action
plan together!

In this FREE session, we cover what you are experiencing around food, your goals, desires, struggles and frustrations then your dreams. From there we will map out and plan your weight journey.

You will get actional tools and tips that you can implement right now and identify how and if we are a fit to work together inside one of our weight loss hypnotherapy programs.
(Valued at $350 AUD)

Free weight loss hypnotherapy Resources

Weight Loss Support Facebook Group


Connect with like-minded women who feel like one big supportive family, all building dreams and loving health.

Weight Loss Planning Session

Together we work through what you want life to look like then map out a plan of how we can help you get you there.

Train Your Mind to Crave Healthy Food

weight Loss Planning session - Apply Now
Download our powerful hypnosis session and start training your brain to love healthy food while you sleep.

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Testimonials

I Lost 20 Kilos

I lost 20 kilos and went from immobile and stuck to a sudden urge to exercise on the beach and then onto completing a tough mudder! (pictured)

I never thought that I could have such a massive change in my life, it took a few weeks to see the mind shift but when it happened I never looked back. I'm so happy.


My Journey has been epic

“My journey has been epic! I have gone from 116kg to 85kg and in clothing that I haven’t looked at since I was a teenager!” Jodi has been supportive and instrumental in this life-changing experience!

I have discovered that food was my shield/Armor and escape: any emotional response resulted in eating! I was morbidly obese, in excruciating pain and very unhappy, thank you for helping me find myself and my life again!


From Size 20 to 14

I have lost 17-18kgs and gone from a size 20 to a 14-16.

I’m more aware of what I’m eating and portions sizes. I don’t beat myself up for eating something not so healthy and full of calories however I do make sure l enjoy it!

I have tried new recipes with ingredients I would have never tried before.

I’m more mindful and like the way I look in my clothes.


I will shout my praise from the rooftops.

I love your program. Weight Loss » 7kg

Awesome – they fit again! 7kgs down, back in my “skinny” jeans, minus the muffin top. Love this program, I listen to a session every single night. I don’t know how I will get to sleep every night without the hypnotherapy lol I am so used to it now, can’t sleep without it.


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