Empowering Your Mental Wellbeing

Non-Clinical Mental Health Supports for NDIS Clients

Discover tailored support services designed to enhance your mental wellbeing and help you live a fulfilling life.

NDIS participants receiving personalised hypnotherapy support from Awaecnan professionals, fostering emotional wellness and life skills development

Our Commitment to You

About Awaecnan

Awaecnan team providing compassionate hypnotherapy support to NDIS participants, enhancing emotional wellbeing and personal growt

At Awaecnan, we specialise in providing high-quality non-clinical mental health supports tailored to the unique needs of NDIS clients. Our mission is to empower individuals to live fulfilling lives with enhanced mental wellbeing. We focus on helping you manage the impact of your disability on your daily life and emotional health, offering support that is directly related to your unique needs and circumstances.

Our experienced team is dedicated to delivering compassionate and effective support. We prioritize your needs and preferences, ensuring you receive the best possible care. With a holistic approach, we provide comprehensive non-clinical supports that encompass various aspects of mental wellbeing. Our services are designed to be flexible and accessible, fitting seamlessly into your life.

Our Key Services

NDIS participants engaging in emotional wellness activities with Awaecnan, improving mental resilience and overall happiness
Emotional Wellness Programs

Our programs are crafted to help manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges. We provide practical strategies and tools to improve your mental resilience and overall happiness.

NDIS participants developing essential life skills with the support of Awaecnan professionals
Life Skills Development

We support the development of essential life skills that promote independence and confidence. Our assistance spans daily routines and social interactions, ensuring you can navigate life’s challenges with ease.

NDIS participants engaging in community activities with support from Awaecnan professionals, fostering social participation and belonging
Community Integration

We believe in the power of community. Our services include helping you connect with local resources, groups, and activities that enhance your social participation and sense of belonging.

NDIS participants practicing mindfulness techniques with guidance from Awaecnan professionals, promoting inner peace and emotional balance
Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Our mindfulness and relaxation sessions are designed to help you find inner peace and balance. Learn techniques to manage your thoughts and emotions, promoting a calm and focused mind.

Why Choose Us

Awaecnan's Unique Approach

At Awaecnan, our experienced team is dedicated to providing compassionate and effective support tailored to your unique needs. We prioritize a client-centered approach, ensuring that your preferences and requirements are at the forefront of our service delivery. Our holistic support encompasses various aspects of mental wellbeing, offering a comprehensive approach to care. Additionally, our services are designed to be flexible and accessible, seamlessly fitting into your lifestyle and making support readily available when you need it most.

Tailored Support for You

Our professionals are skilled in delivering personalized care that addresses the specific challenges you face. By focusing on your individual needs, we provide support that is both meaningful and impactful, helping you achieve your goals and enhance your quality of life.

Our Commitment

Quality and Safety at Awaecnan

At Awaecnan, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of quality and safety in all our services. We adhere strictly to the NDIS Code of Conduct, ensuring that our supports and services are delivered with integrity, honesty, and transparency. Our dedication to providing safe and competent care means that we take all reasonable steps to prevent and respond to any form of violence, exploitation, neglect, or abuse. We respect the privacy and rights of individuals, fostering an environment where you feel secure and valued.

Flexible Services

Unregistered NDIS Provider

Awaecnan is proud to be an unregistered NDIS provider, which allows us to offer personalized and flexible services tailored to your specific needs. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for participants who self-manage or plan-manage their NDIS funding. By choosing Awaecnan, you can access a wide range of supports that are directly related to managing the impact of your disability, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and effective care possible.

Take the First Step Towards Better Mental Health

Are you an NDIS participant looking for non-clinical mental health support? Awaecnan is here to help you on your journey to improved health and wellbeing. Our tailored services are designed to meet your unique needs and help you achieve your personal goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you.

Plan managers and case managers, we invite you to call 1300 1 47966 to discuss your clients’ needs. Together, we can provide the best possible support to enhance their quality of life.